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Cardd vs WordPress: Which CMS is Best for Your Profile Page Website?

In the past, it was thought that building a website requires time and patience. It takes weeks and months to design a fully functional website that captivates the audience. But what if you had platforms like Cardd and WordPress?

Carrd is an easy-to-use website builder launched in 2016 by AJ– a web developer from Nashville. It is basically designed for creating one-page websites like profiles, resumes, portfolios, landing pages, etc. With 4000+ upvotes, Carrd is one the most popular products of all time on Product Hunt!

WordPress is open-source software, started in 2003 as a blogging platform. But you can use WordPress for any kind of website. You can build an eCommerce store with WordPress, using its popular eCommerce plugins. WordPress currently has a market share of 42%.

However, users are always in a dilemma as to which one to go for. Don’t worry, we got you covered. We will create a detailed comparison between Cardd vs WordPress. From this comparison, users will be able to identify which platform suits them the best.

Let’s get started.

Cardd vs WordPress: The Main Differences

This is a detailed comparison in different categories for Cardd vs WordPress. Here we go. 

Cardd vs WordPress: Ease of Use

Carrd gets this absolutely right. The user interface is clear and simple. Everything is rightly labeled, and you will find no jargon that your common users wouldn’t be able to understand. Editing text is easy, also adding and moving content blocks and buttons.

When you start building, there’s a really simple instruction overlay that teaches you all the basics

Cardd dashboard overview- Cardd vs WordPress

WordPress, on the other hand, is a little more complex and there is a learning curve. In order to get familiar with the platform quickly, you will need some basic coding knowledge. Otherwise, you may get lost. You will have to install a plugin to make your website eCommerce ready.

wordpress-dashboard- cardd vs wordpress

WordPress also has its own centralized dashboard where you can easily manage your whole website. However, as WordPress is such a big platform, it can get a little overwhelming as there are so many tools and options.

Cardd vs WordPress: SEO

Unfortunately, Carrd doesn’t have any basic tools which you can use to boost up your site’s SEO score if you’re using the Basic Plan. Therefore, SEO-wise, the platform falls behind other top website builders, especially WordPress.

However, you can customize the meta description of your page from the Carrd dashboard to give it some boost when it comes to online searches. On the other hand, those who are using the premium plans can easily create custom meta tags and also add a Google Analytics tracking ID for their pages.

SEO is one of the most important sides that WordPress focuses on, as it’s mainly a blogging platform. You can improve your on-page SEO and select from various responsive themes and templates to design your site. You can also install or purchase WordPress plugins to help maximize your SEO efforts.

Yoast SEO, WP Rocket, and Google Site Kit are just a few plugins that can simplify the process of optimizing your content, images, page speed, XML sitemaps, and redirects. But you’ll have to invest time and possibly money into managing these tools.

Cardd vs WordPress: Design and Customization

Cardd not only has a large number of templates to choose from, but the range of styles offered also is impressive. If you want to make a landing page or build a form to collect feedback from customers, create a site to showcase one large image such as a movie poster or event invitation, or even design a business-card-style website, Carrd has you covered.

Cardd templates collection, Cardd vs WordPress

There are tons of themes on WordPress. Some of them are free and but others are premium. However, you can customize the themes as you like.

WordPress Themes page overview

Moreover, WordPress.org has a huge variation of templates. It will provide you with much better customization options. You can easily edit the source code as you please. However, you can even use plugins that let you build a theme yourself through drag-and-drop tools.

Cardd vs WordPress: 3rd Party Integrations

Carrd integrates with a range of third-party services to extend the functionality of its platform. These include:

  • Unsplash Image Library for finding millions of free images.
  • Stripe and Paypal payment gateways to collect payments from your customers.
  • Google Analytics to keep track of your viewers and conversions.
  • Gumroad eCommerce platform for selling digital products.
  • Typeform for creating different forms, surveys, etc.
  • Zapier to automate your workflow and connect other apps.
  • Mailchimp, Sendfox, and 9 other email marketing platforms to build your email list.

Well, WordPress is not far behind either. There are many third-party integrations with WordPress. Namely,

  • iMember 360
  • Toolset
  • Zapier
  • PayPal
  • Mailchimp
  • Aweber
  • Constant Contact
  • Google Analytics
  • Amazon Web Services
  • ZenDesk
  • Buffer
  • Formidable
  • Yoast
  • Wistia
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • GetResponse
  • App.net and more.

Cardd vs WordPress at a Glance

Why WordPress is so popular?Why to consider using CARDD?
WordPress is free and open-source software used by millions of websites across the globe.Carrd is a platform for building simple, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.
WordPress is very easy to use for anyone.Ease of use: Carrd is much easier to use than WordPress.
WordPress is extremely flexible and can be used for a wide variety of websites and applications. Flexibility: Carrd is more flexible than WordPress when it comes to creating websites. But It offers only a 1-page site.
WordPress is well-supported by a large community of developers and designers.No need for hosting: Carrd websites can be hosted for free on GitHub Pages, eliminating the need for paid hosting.
WordPress is regularly updated with new features and security updates.No need for a domain: Carrd websites can be created without a domain, making them cheaper and easier to set up.
WordPress is available in many languages.

Cardd vs WordPress: Summary

WordPress is the clear winner when it comes to ease of use, flexibility, and overall functionality. While CARDD may have a slight edge in terms of design customization options, WordPress more than makes up for it with its huge range of plugins and themes. Overall, WordPress is the better platform for most users, especially when you’re going to build a professional website.

So, if you are looking to create a normal one-page website with minimal features, then you can go for Cardd.

But if you want to create a website with all the advanced features and functionalities, then we suggest you go for WordPress.


  1. Is Carrd good for blogs?

Ans: Carrd is a great tool for creating elegant one-page websites. But what if you want to add a blog to your site? Carrd comes with a good selection of elements for adding static content, and by integrating DropInBlog you can extend your website functionality with a full-featured blog.

2. Does Carrd host your site?

Ans: Yes. Carrd was created to be a simple way to build and host one-page websites that can be used for basic business or personal needs. This service makes it easy to build a basic site from scratch, and there are ready-to-use templates that you can choose from.

3. Are most websites made with WordPress?

Ans: The WordPress content management system powers 42% of the world’s websites.

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